Hog Roast Bolsover Wowed The Crowds With A Tasty Mother’s Day Feast!

Our Hog Roast Bolsover team were (unsurprisingly!) rushed off their feet last weekend due to all of the local Mother’s Day celebrations we had been asked to help out with. Ranging from traditional afternoon teas and boozy brunches to crafty Continue reading Hog Roast Bolsover Wowed The Crowds With A Tasty Mother’s Day Feast!

Wedding Anniversary Celebrations Made Memorable With Hog Roast Carlton.

Celebrating your wedding anniversary? From the first year to the copper, silver and gold, and everything in between, every year of marriage is worth celebrating. Whether you are renewing your vows or simply planning a get together with your nearest Continue reading Wedding Anniversary Celebrations Made Memorable With Hog Roast Carlton.

Enjoy the Christmas market with the addition of a menu from Hog Roast Warsop

Christmas markets are a traditional aspect of celebrating Christmas, with markets of all sizes popping up across Europe. Something that everyone expects from a visit to a market is a variety of delicious catering options, and Hog Roast Warsop has Continue reading Enjoy the Christmas market with the addition of a menu from Hog Roast Warsop

Get married this winter with a catering menu from Hog Roast Chilwell

If you have always dreamed of a winter wedding, there is no better time than now to tie the knot. With frost in the air and long, dark nights, this is the perfect backdrop for your big day. To keep Continue reading Get married this winter with a catering menu from Hog Roast Chilwell

Host a bonfire night celebration for your community with a menu from Hog Roast Dorket Head

Bonfire night is an evening packed full of fireworks, sparklers, good food, and great company. At Hog Roast Dorket Head, we can help you to tick off one of those factors with any one of our delicious buffet menus! Not Continue reading Host a bonfire night celebration for your community with a menu from Hog Roast Dorket Head